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We also produce or own projects, special furniture and some of them it s possible to see in Some other Websites. We are proud to show some of the exemples:

- PUBLISHED 07.10.2014 - OC (Side Table) by Sheila Byers From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

- PUBLISHED 17.10.2014 - Blaze (TAble Lamp by Alissa Ugolini From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

- PUBLISHED 15.12.2014 - Wall Game - by Sheila Buyers From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

- PUBLISHED 24.12.2014 - Blaze (Table Lamp) by James Rippon From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

- PUBLISHED 18.08.2015 - HY (Flower Package) by IRENE From HOMIFY (Spain)


- PUBLISHED 27.08.2015 - PUK NAKED ( Table Lamp) by Jip Klompenhouwer from HOMIFY (NETHERLANDS)

- PUBLISHED 13.09.2016 - Wall Game (Decoration) by Amy Buxtom From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

PUK NAKED (Table Lamp)


PUBLISHED 27.08.2015 by Jip Klompenhouwer from HOMIFY (NETHERLANDS)

"Buiten de slaapkamer om is de badkamer het begin- en eindpunt van de dag. Een plek van hygiëne, kalmte en ontspanning waar we onszelf even afsluiten van de buitenwereld. Dit doen we dan natuurlijk ook het liefst in een ontspannen omgeving, eentje waar we onszelf op ons gemak voelen. Wat een grote invloed hierop kan zijn is licht. Badkamerlampen zijn niet alleen uitzonderlijk vanwege het vochtigheidsgehalte dat ze moeten weerstaan, ze zijn daarnaast ook nog essentieel in sfeerbepaling. Te lichte badkamerlampen maken ons niet bepaald mooier, te donkere badkamerlampen laten ons niet genoeg zien. Het is een gevoelig gebied, zullen we maar zeggen.

Deze tien badkamerlampen zijn stuk voor stuk uitzonderlijk, en voldoen aan ieders’ behoefte voor de perfecte badkamer.


Meer retro dan dit krijg je ze waarschijnlijk niet. Het gelige licht van deze gloeilamp verspreidt een warme gloed, iets wat in veel witte badkamers een welkome gast is. Om de koelte van een badkamer wat te verdrijven kunnen badkamerlampen heel wat betekenen. Vandaag de dag lijkt het de mode om een zo kil mogelijke badkamer te hebben en bijpassend wit licht. Maar waar blijft de sfeer? Waar blijft de warmte van schijnbaar kaarslicht wanneer je even in bad wilt ontspannen? Dit soort badkamerlampen kunnen hierbij helpen."

OC 01 (Side TAble)


PUBLISHED 07.10.2014 by Sheila Byers From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

"After a bed, the bedside table might just be the most important piece of bedroom furniture. Sometimes called a nightstand or a night table, the bedside table acts as sort of a bedroom version of the coffee table, providing a resting place for items like a bedside lamp, a glass of water, and the piles of books and magazines that always seem to collect by the bed. But finding the right night table can be tricky. You want something that is both functional and stylish, that compliments the décor of the room without overwhelming it.  Today, we present some nightstands from our own UK experts. There is sure to be something for every style!

This table, by designer Andre Ventura, is made of separate pieces of wood that interlock to fit together like a puzzle. Its natural, bare wood, combined with the simplicity of its design, suggest an air of rustic elegance. One of the most captivating elements of the design is its seamless merger of competing shapes. The intersecting square plains of the tabletop and the pieces that form the legs are softened by the round circles placed on the surface and cut out form the legs, to give the table a sense of balance and unity. This unique design is not, of course, limited to use in the bedroom, but we are sure that it would look stunning next to the bed. "

WALL GAME (Wall Decoration)


PUBLISHED 13.09.2016 by Amy Buxtom From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

"If you're striving to make your home design every inch the modern masterpiece, read on, as we have some amazing ideas for what you can do with your walls.

You might have thought that paint was your only option, but it's really not and all the incredible interior designers out there are dying to show you what they've been creating! 

Sit back and relax as we show you some of the truly phenomenal wall coverings that are being used right now and see if any of these tempt you to add a little breathtaking detail to your British home."



PUBLISHED 18.08.2015 by IRENE From HOMIFY (Spain)

"En una casa bien avenida no pueden faltar las plantas, ese componente de frescura y color que nos aportan puede transformar una estancia sin vida en una habitación llena de color y contrastes. Podemos optar por flores, plantas aromáticas, enredaderas,… cualquier opción es válida, pero si algo no puede faltar en nuestro diseño vegetal son los maceteros.

Muchas veces relegados a un segundo puesto, al que no damos apenas importancia, pueden suponer un cambio radical si acertamos con un diseño original que forme parte de la decoración de nuestra casa.

Los más tradicionales son aquellos de barro o piedra, pero podemos encontrarlos también de otros materiales como cristal, madera o incluso optar por el DIY y crear tú mismo tus propios diseños con materiales reciclados.

Todos un mundo a descubrir en el que no hay límites a la imaginación. Incorpora elementos divertidos y singulares para conseguir ese toque de exclusividad que tanto nos gusta. Desde homify te traemos diez fabulosos diseños de maceteros que harán las delicias de todos vosotros, una selección muy variada y para todos los gustos entre los que seguro encontrarás tu modelo ideal.

Un macetero torre

Nuestra primera propuesta es este original macetero de Andre Ventura Design con una estructura muy particular.

Realizado en madera y con un diseño muy minimalista, este macetero tiene capacidad para hasta cuatro tiestos distintos apilados uno sobre el otro en lo que recuerda a un pequeño andamio vegetal.

Una idea muy creativa para aprovechar el agua filtrada a través de la planta superior que suministrará todos los nutrientes necesarios a sus compañeras de macetero."

BLAZE (TAble Lamp)


PUBLISHED 17.10.2014 by Alissa Ugolini From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

"Lighting is one of the most important, yet often forgotten, elements in the home. We take the time to pick furniture and colour schemes, but what about the ambience and aura? The type of lights we choose, inclusive of the colour of the light bulb, are such an important element to complete a space. If you think about it, commercial spaces have been following, and perfecting the art of suitable lighting for years, so why is it an after thought in our own homes?

Restaurants and bars pride themselves on providing an aura of mystery, sultriness and warmth; all of which are very important factors and emotions to make us feel like eating and drinking. The lights we choose are definitely specific to each room. The light we need for applying makeup, getting dressed and even sauteeing onions, have different requirements. A bright spotlight, which may be the perfect option for visibility in your kitchen, is not the right selection for creating calm and respite in your bedroom. So, let's take a look at some different examples of stunning lights and lamps from our homify UK experts, which are the perfect addition to your living room or bedroom. The items you will see in this ideabook, are more than just stunning pieces of art, but functional, ambience-oozing examples of illumination.

Whether the 'Blaze light' is placed on the floor, or on a table in the living room or bedroom, you can rest assure that its interesting form and yellow light will cast a pleasuring shadow into any space. Delicate and soothing, this cone shaped lamp is modern, yet a little mysterious. The shape, which resembles a wrapped piece of paper, radiates and glows in the darkness. Like a beacon in the night, this lamp from Andre Ventura Designer, is sure to create a wonderful mood to a space that you wish to feel cosy and intimate."

WALL GAME (Wall Decoration)


PUBLISHED 15.12.2014 by Sheila Buyers From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

"Today we are going to talk about different ways and places to use ceramic tiles. We do this by giving you some tips on how to decorate your home with this material and by showing that tiles do not have to be only in the bathroom or kitchen.

Perhaps you love the all white look. In this case we propose this project, in which the ceramic tiles form a play of light and shadow perfect for a minimalist space."

BLAZE (TAble Lamp)


PUBLISHED 24.12.2014 by James Rippon From HOMIFY (United Kingdom)

"Here at homify, we love light. It is an integral part of making your home or business an enjoyable place to spend time. In the design of new homes and commercial spaces, it may seem easy to overlook the use of a professional who has the experience and knowledge to allow maximum lighting effects and harness the beauty light creates. By choosing a designer who can achieve this outcome and do it in a unique and creative way, you have already added value to your home or business long before building or renovations have begun. So without further ado, we present to you some great British lighting concepts from designers who know the importance of lighting and how to benefit from this subtle, yet effective design tool.

A modern take on a classical light, this design inspired bedside lamp takes the form of a cone, designed by London-based Andre Ventura. To check out some more of Andre's great design concepts,"

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